How Much Capital Do You Need to Start an Airbnb? [FULL BREAKDOWN]

How Much Capital Do You Need to Start an Airbnb? [FULL BREAKDOWN]

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🏡How to Make $2,500/mo from 1 Airbnb in the Next 12 Weeks

How much do you think it takes to start an Airbnb that makes $2,500/month profit?

Truth be told, $10,000 and a few thousand spare is ALL you need to boot up your 1st property on Airbnb.

And that’s without even owning the property and setting up everything completely remote.

At first, it might sound a little bit harder and more challenging to execute… just like every other business idea.

But in order to make money, you have to face and solve problems most people don’t know how to solve.

Doesn’t matter Airbnb’s or not, you’re in the business of solving problems.

Travel nurses and business professionals / people who want to have a great vacation are on the look out.

They have a problem: NOT wasting their vacation on the wrong Airbnb or having awful experience while working.

You have one job: making sure that problem is solved through your property, communication and team of professionals (cleaners/handyman/movers) to ensure support is there all the time.

Again, with Airbnb’s you’re more operating a business than operating real estate. 1-2 bad reviews put you out of business and your property gets flagged by Airbnb.

So you have to try your best to make sure everything (and by everything I mean every step of the process) dialed in to ensure everything goes smoothly.

If you want to learn how I do it and get 5+ star reviews, make $5,000+/month profit per each of my Airbnb’s, check out my other YT videos and the idea of sub-leasing properties on Airbnb will make more sense.