I Quit My $500,000 Job After I Learned THIS

I Quit My $500,000 Job After I Learned THIS

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Publish Date:
September 3, 2023
AirBnB Investing
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Have you ever quit a well-paying job? I did to the tune of $500,000/year, and I did it by learning the lesson I talk about in today's video. Quitting a my job was one of the best decisions I've ever made because it helped me become who I am today. The difference between who you are and who you will become 10 to 20 years from now are the decisions you make TODAY. If you want to change, you can start by changing your surroundings.

One of the big reasons a lot of people are suffering from anxiety is because deep down they know they could be doing bigger and better things. If you're one of these people, then this video is for you.

When you work at a corporate 9-to-5, you are on borrowed time. You won't break the mold unless you scale up in pay, and down in company size. You need to have skin in the game. I'll explain how you can get it in this video.

Have you taken a big risk in your life? Did you quit a good job to take a chance on something uncertain? Tell me your story, comment below!

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@TomBilyeu Mastering Sex, Power, Gender Roles, & The Secret to Maintaining Relationships That Last | Sadia Khan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I39boHZYjI

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