Cash Flow vs Appreciation in Real Estate and Portfolio Diversification | The Best Investment Advice

Cash Flow vs Appreciation in Real Estate and Portfolio Diversification | The Best Investment Advice

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Cash flow verses appreciation in real estate. Which strategy works better in long run? How to diversify your portfolio with real estate? In this video, the Long Term Real Estate Investor Eduardo Sigal talks with Investment Advisor Luis Maizel and provides insights into real estate and business.

Luis Maizel is the founder LLJ Ventures (Private Equity with a Real Estate Focus), LM Capital (institutional fixed income), and LM Advisors (Money Management for high net worth families).

Luis has raised in the hundred of millions of dollars for real estate projects just in the last few years and manages well into the billions of dollars in fixed income assets and equities for various public and private clients. He has done this since 1984. Luis has been on MSNBC, Bloomberg and other shows as a commentator for his insightful understanding of the markets. Luis carries a wealth of knowledge. Today, we are fortunate enough to get some thoughts from Luis on strategies in investing, partnering with others, debt and inflation, and more.

Thank you for watching and Invest Responsibly!

Shot Date - February 24, 2020

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#EduardoSigal #SignetInvestments #RealEstate #RealEstateInvesting #InvestingAdvice
More than ever before, real estate investment wisdom is needed. With the exploding growth of new investors through real estate crowdfunding, increasing availability of risky opportunities, and variety of complex strategies, making smart finance decisions is more mysterious than ever.

This video is an episode of the series of The Long Term Real Estate Investor podcast. The podcast brings insightful discussions that deliver eye-opening principles and strategies from experts across the real estate industry to help our listeners with their planning and investment decisions.

Eduardo Sigal is host of The Long Term Real Estate Investor podcast.
Using his unique approach and vision of real estate, Eduardo Sigal, MBA, has been intimately involved in the industry from a young age. Growing up in the world of real estate investing has afforded Sigal the knowledge and perspective in making sound and strategic investment decisions. Using this knowledge, Sigal interviews some of the world's most accomplished real estate developers, investors and other business leaders to learn how they found their success.
► Talk with an Investment Advisor Luis Maizel all episodes
► How to Manage Investments and Business?
► Leadership Wisdom: How Do Leaders Think?
► Biggest Investing Mistakes to Avoid and How to Save Money?
► How to Approach Investing?
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Signet Investments, Inc is a real estate investment and development company. These interviews are for entertainment purposes only. Although there is wisdom in how others achieved success, everyone paves their individual pathway which may not work for all. Rely on any of this information at your own detriment or benefit. The individuals interviewed on The Long Term Real Estate Investor may or may not have an affiliation with Signet Investments.