Marcellus ‘Consistent Compounders’ Webinar – Optical Illusions in Equity Investing.

Marcellus ‘Consistent Compounders’ Webinar – Optical Illusions in Equity Investing.

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Publish Date:
June 9, 2023
Appreciation Investing
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Psychological biases tend to affect an investor’s decision making in subtle ways which are usually detrimental to long term investment returns. Several of these biases are better described as optical Illusions. In our forthcoming CCP webinar, we will use the construct of the human brain as described by Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman in his book ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow’, to highlight a few common optical illusions in the investment world. These illusions provide an insight into the disconnect which is playing out in the stock market currently between business fundamentals and stock prices of CCP stocks.

We will also provide an update on our portfolio’s fundamentals and how we expect these fundamentals to evolve in future.

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