Marcellus Webinar : The Benefits of ‘Double Engine Compounding' with Marcellus PMS portfolios.

Marcellus Webinar : The Benefits of ‘Double Engine Compounding' with Marcellus PMS portfolios.

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Publish Date:
June 20, 2023
Appreciation Investing
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In an era of growing protectionism and rising geopolitical tensions, the world’s two largest democracies – America and India - offer investors a chance to benefit from a golden decade of compounding.

Is your portfolio well positioned to benefit from this reset in geopolitics?

Have you asked yourself the question “Is my portfolio well positioned to capitalize not just on the growing financial muscle of well-known Indian compounding machines like Titan, Bajaj Finance, HDFC Bank, and Asian Paints but also of global compounding machines like Amazon, Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, Nvidia, and ASML?”

Have you ever wondered, what if you had built a 50:50 Indo-American portfolio 20 years ago?

If you have these questions on your mind and more, we strongly recommend that you attend this webinar where entire fund management team of Marcellus will help you understand the math behind double engine compounding using Marcellus’ PMS portfolios.

Speakers for this Webinar – Saurabh Mukherjea, Rakshit Ranjan, Ashvin Shetty, Tej Shah, Arindam Mandal and Pramod Gubbi.

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