My Plan To RETIRE In 10 Yrs

My Plan To RETIRE In 10 Yrs

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My Plan To Retire In 10 Yrs.
1. Max out my 401K and ROTH IRA - 
I plan to max out my 401K and ROTH IRA each year
When you contribute to your 401K plan your employer will usually match your contribution
That's like free money, why will you pass on that?

And I also plan to max out my ROTH IRA
In ROTH IRA you are basically investing your money after taxes and the best part is when you
retire and look to withdraw that money it's going to be taxed free unlike a 401K account

And IRS announced last week they are increasing the contribution limit for 401K and ROTH IRA for 2023

2. Buy Rental Properties - 
I plan to buy at least 1 rental property every year
And this is exactly what the top 1% do

Billionaire Andrew Carnegie famously said that 90% of millionaires got their wealth by investing in real estate.

When you invest in real estate you increase your cash flow, Basically, your money is making you more money every day and every month

And with real estate investing you get a lot of benefits like tax write-offs and property appreciation

3. Invest in Me - 
The best thing I can do right now is invest in myself
I plan to learn new things and read as much as I can.
Because what I have learned is, this is the only way I will be able to 10X my income

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