Should you Invest in Rental Properties for Cash Flow or Appreciation?

Should you Invest in Rental Properties for Cash Flow or Appreciation?

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Publish Date:
May 16, 2023
Appreciation Investing
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I am a huge proponent of investing in rental properties for cash flow, but I don't invest just for cash flow. I love the almost $8,000 a month my rentals produce in income, but I also love the equity I have. My 15 rentals (I am not including the turn-key rental I bought with my IRA) have almost 1.5 million dollars in equity and I bought my first property in December of 2010. I put 20 percent down on almost every rental property I bought and figure I have invested less than $300,000 to get that 1.5 million dollar gain. The cash flow from my rentals has been awesome, but not nearly as awesome as the equity gain. I still invest in only rentals that will produce great cash flow, but that does not mean I ignore appreciation or forced appreciation. In fact, one of the reasons I have built so much equity is I have gotten extremely good deals on the rentals I bought.

In this video I explain how I have made so much money with my rentals and why cash flow is great, but not the only thing to invest for!

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