This Real Estate Portfolio “Plan” Will Make You Way More Money

This Real Estate Portfolio “Plan” Will Make You Way More Money

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Your real estate portfolio could make you more passive income, cash flow, and wealth than you think. But, most real estate investors choose to buy properties, collect cash flow, and let their wealth dwindle. EVERYONE wants to build wealth and have assets that pay for their life. But what if you’re leaving hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands on the table? Odds are, you’re doing this right now.

Chris Lopez is back for the “Portfolio Analysis Show,” where he’ll analyze different real estate and rental property portfolios and show investors how they could make even more money. Chris’ magic lies behind a simple metric, return on equity (ROE), which most investors either don’t know about or don’t understand. But this simple calculation could show that your returns aren’t worth the rental property efforts. And if they aren't, Chris can help you change that!

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Cash Flow IS NOT the Key and Why ROE Beats ROI:
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00:00 "ROE" Over Everything
03:40 1. Goal: Quit His W2!
07:37 2. Know Your Portfolio's Worth
11:20 3. Calculate ROE
15:13 4. Find Better Opportunities
16:07 5. Create Your Action Plan!
17:24 Do This EVERY Year