What Makes a Good Real Estate Investment? It's not JUST about the numbers!

What Makes a Good Real Estate Investment? It's not JUST about the numbers!

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Publish Date:
November 21, 2022
Appreciation Investing
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Do you know what makes a good real estate investment property? Yes numbers matter but there are other factors too.

Connect with me: https://multifamilymomentum.com/start-here/ or book a 15 minute new investor phone call: https://calendly.com/brandonvukelich

Check out Cody Davis and Christian Osgood’s channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/CodyAndChristianMultifamilyStrategy
And find them on the BiggerPockets YT channel.

Christian Osgood and I talk about several factors investors need to be aware of when looking for a potential investment. Sorry about the dead microphone!

Link to RHAWA: https://www.rhawa.org/

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