You NEED to be Comfortable with Long Term Investing!

You NEED to be Comfortable with Long Term Investing!

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Publish Date:
December 21, 2022
Appreciation Investing
Video License
Standard License
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Many real estate investors are losing their businesses to inflation because they are focused on short-term strategies and that’s what we believe should change. We need to be comfortable with having our money frozen in the next few years while the properties generate cash flow, equity, and appreciation so when the market is done with correction, we can reap more benefits.

Watch this video to learn the importance of going for long-term investing in a time like today and how it has helped us through many challenges in the past!

Key Talking Points of the Episode

[00:00] Introduction
[01:02] How did we handle the pandemic?
[02:05] How is the current situation affecting our business?
[03:02] Why is it important to be comfortable with long-term play?