13 Reasons To Love Opendoor's Q3 2022 - Why They Will Weather The Storm (Open Stock Analysis)

13 Reasons To Love Opendoor's Q3 2022 - Why They Will Weather The Storm (Open Stock Analysis)

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Publish Date:
November 8, 2022
Fractional Real Estate
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There is too much negativity around Opendoor. The disruption potential of this company is just too hard to ignore, and I share 13 reasons to love the company despite all the doom and gloom about Opendoor. Since I believe the Fed will have no choice but to resume QE sooner than later, I cannot help but seeing a huge opportunity in this stock, which is down 95% from its all time highs. Not investment advice of course, entertainment only! Hope you like the video and thanks for watching.

See my videos on money printing, the foundation of this channel: https://youtu.be/711VluQZa-Q and https://youtu.be/NUjoFoSeFqg.

As always, this video is NOT investment advice, and none of the contents should be construed as such. This video is ONLY for entertainment purposes. Also my Avatar was created with readyplayer.me, a great tool for creating metaverse-ready 3D avatars.