How Solar is the new Goldmine in Government Contracting ft. Joe Loud | RCO Podcast

How Solar is the new Goldmine in Government Contracting ft. Joe Loud | RCO Podcast

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Publish Date:
December 28, 2022
Fractional Real Estate
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Joe Loud is Senior Vice President at Solar Integrated Roofing Corporation. In this Podcast, we discuss the benefits of Solar Construction deals and how you can make a good fortune out of it. Listen to learn more!

1:09 Introduction
2:13 How he got into Solar?
8:09 Why should you consider a channeling partner?
13:13 How solar is a new goldmine
23:55 How to acquire new clients?
28:49 Inhouse or Subcontractors?
34:47 Zero money down deals
37:12 Increasing bonding
39:47 How his finance system works
43:19 How does he protect his company?

Real Construction Podcast aims to bring real construction owners of multi-million dollar construction companies. You can go from being a stressed-out operator to an actual construction owner who achieves healthy profit margins and a thriving business without having to figure it out yourself.


You can also listen to the audio podcast on Spotify, Apple, and Google Podcast.

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