How To Make Millions in Real Estaste- Grant Cardone & Dean Graziosi Best Advise

How To Make Millions in Real Estaste- Grant Cardone & Dean Graziosi Best Advise

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How To Make Millions in Real Estaste- Grant Cardone & Dean Graziosi Best Advise

In this video, Dean Graziosi and Grant Cardone share some valuable tips how to become a successful entrepreneur during the recession, he became even more famous with his "We Buy Ugly Houses" campaign, which was how to wholesale houses. Now his focus has become more aspirational to include performance training, coaching, and life development. Dean’s mission is to teach the average person how to take that first step and get into real estate through buying and flipping single-family homes. He started selling and creating income opportunities when he was only seven years old. Growing up in a lower-middle-class household motivated Dean to become an entrepreneur. He started repairing and selling cars to owning a multi-family apartment building in his mid-twenties. He then branched out and became a land developer.

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