I Bought A 1oz Gold Bar From COSTCO!! Here Is My Perspective. #costco #gold #Costcogold

I Bought A 1oz Gold Bar From COSTCO!! Here Is My Perspective. #costco #gold #Costcogold

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Publish Date:
January 9, 2024
Fractional Real Estate
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Here is my experience of buying a gold bar from Costco. I probably won't do it again, but I wanted to experience it, and since I buy gold monthly anyway, I wanted to give it a try.
Some reputable dealers I use are: SD Bullion, Monument Metals, Bullion Exchanges, Bold Precious Metals, Hero Bullion, JM Bullion, and APMEX.

Here is a great website to find the cheaper deals on gold and silver: https://findbullionprices.com/
Here is a really good Youtube channel to learn about gold and silver: https://www.youtube.com/@UCIzYEzXT34388IscvgVADDA

If you like, you can buy me a WHISKEY here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/worldmoneyq

Get ready for this next real estate crash with The Economic Ninja

Get your Pocket Pinger here for testing your precious metals!!:

Link to where I bought one of my Air filters. It was about $95 after discount.
I bought the MSA3 Quiet HEPA

I've been using this company for about 5 years now. Check out Butcher Box if you like meat delivered to your door: http://rwrd.io/yl4on53?c

Mail me your sticker for trade to:
World Money Wins
PO Box 503
Hastings, MI 49058

Email me at WorldMoneyWins@Gmail .com

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