Real Estate Crowdfunding Crash Course with Fintor, Ark7, Arrived, and Happy Nest.

Real Estate Crowdfunding Crash Course with Fintor, Ark7, Arrived, and Happy Nest.

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Publish Date:
July 26, 2023
Fractional Real Estate
Video License
Standard License
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Learn how to own real estate property for as little as $10. In this real estate investing crash course, I'll show you the ins and outs of fractional real estate investing. We'll look at a few popular crowdfunding platforms like Fintor, Ark7, Arrived, Happy Nest, and Fundrise so you can see which platform and investment strategy works best for your personal goals.

The content in this video is for informational purposes only. I'm a hobby investor and nothing I say should be taken for financial, investing, or legal advice. Investing is a risk so it's important to talk to a financial professional and make decisions based on your own situation.