Stop Wasting Your Time on Projects that Don't Matter with Liz & Andresa

Stop Wasting Your Time on Projects that Don't Matter with Liz & Andresa

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Publish Date:
January 14, 2023
Fractional Real Estate
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Welcome ladies to the Real Estate InvestHER Show! In this minisode, co-hosts Liz and Andresa discuss the importance of not wasting time on projects that don't matter and how to evaluate which projects to pursue and which ones to avoid. They share their own experiences with being asked to take on new projects and how they've learned to create a tool to objectively evaluate each opportunity. The tool includes a list of questions to consider before deciding whether or not to pursue a project, such as whether it aligns with their values, goals, and long-term vision, and if it has the potential to bring value to their lives or business. Liz and Andresa also discuss the importance of setting boundaries and learning to say no to projects that don't align with our priorities.

Be sure to tune right in ladies, this episode offers valuable advice that will help you to become a smarter and better investor!


“It is all about efficiency and how we use our time. That is our biggest asset.” (00:42 - 00:46)
“As service-minded women, we can fall into the trap of shiny object syndrome and jump into projects without properly evaluating them. We don’t want to do that”. (03:15 – 03:33)
"You have to play offense. You can't play defense. When you're playing defense, we make anything happen and we just kill ourselves in the process”. (08:16 - 08:29)
“Being on offense makes you have criteria on a good project and what will yield where you are headed in terms of your return on your investment." (08:37 - 08:45)
"Be smart and don't let resentment build up as you work towards your goals. We as women can get things done, but we don't want to feel burnt out or frustrated along the way. This can be avoided by being mindful and aware from the start." (08:45 - 08:58)
“Make a mindful decision about the projects that you were going to be involved on, and you really understand what is the return on your money, on your time, and your energy because that is what really matters”. (11:35 - 11:52)

How To Join the InvestHER Movement 

1) InvestHER CON 2023

Get a ticket to IC2023 and receive access to the 2022 recordings immediately!
How to spot a good deal from a bad deal? - Kim Kiyosaki + HANDOUT
Why 10x Is Easier Than 2x - Shannon Waller + HANDOUT
And much MORE!

Here is what you can expect at InvestHER CON 2023:
Pre-event network
2 Full days of transformational experiences
Access to over 20 Sessions with Keynotes and Speakers
Recordings from all sessions
Access to investors, mentors, and influencers
Mindful networking
Opportunities to connect with our sponsors + vendors
Coffee and Lunch included
Final Reception: Red Party
Live 30-day Group Accountability Virtual Session with the Founders Liz and Andresa
Exclusive Breakfast for STRIVE members only.
"InvestHer CON was truly a transformative experience. I have felt so alone for so long and now I feel like a have a community of support. I don’t have to be the master of everything and take it all on my shoulders, I just have to do what I am excellent at."
Heather Giammichele

We reserved the entire resort for us!

Join us in Scottsdale, Arizona, May 18-19. Get your ticket today!

*Promotion ends on Dec 31st at midnight EST

2) The Real Estate InvestHER Podcast - The weekly show details the journey of some of the most amazing women real estate investors around the world, who open up their lives and share practical and strategic tools for growing a rental portfolio, flipping houses, and the mindset that allows them to run a successful investing business while taking care of their families and most importantly taking care of themselves. Subscribe via:
Apple Itunes
Amazon Music

3) The Real Estate InvestHER Membership
STRIVE A membership for highly ambitious and decisive Real Estate investors looking to build generational wealth on their own terms.

Are you ready to...
Grow your Real Estate portfolio on your own terms.
Make deeper relationships with successful women playing at the same level
Build a reliable team and leave solopreneurship behind
Implement processes and systems that will allow you to scale your business
STRIVE is for you!

APPLY today at
*We only open the doors twice yearly (Dec and May).

4) InvestHER Community on Facebook
We have thousands of members in our Facebook InvestHER Community (and growing!) This is a safe place for women to ask real estate investing questions and gain the support they need to achieve their goals!

5) InvestHER Meetups Around the Globe
We have Investher Meetup members attending in-person meetings across the country and Canada. Meetups are being held monthly by experienced InvestHER Leaders! Learn more about our InvestHER leaders, meetup locations, and how to become an InvestHER Leader HERE!