5 Top Stocks to Buy in December 2022! (End of Year Bargains!)

5 Top Stocks to Buy in December 2022! (End of Year Bargains!)

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We're nearing the end of 2022 now.

For many people, the end can't come fast enough.

It's been a crazy year.

At one point, this was one of the worst years ever for the S&P 500.
Painful, right?

Well, just as one man's trash is another man's treasure, one man's pain is another man's pleasure.

I was thoroughly enjoying - and taking advantage of - the extreme volatility all year long.

Turmoil that leads to cheaper stocks is a benefit for those accumulating shares in high-quality businesses.

All else equal, price and yield are inversely correlated.

Lower prices?

Higher yields.

If your goal, like mine, is to live off of passive dividend income, this gets you to the promised land that much faster.

I always see short-term volatility as a long-term opportunity.

As volatile as this year has been, not every stock is a good buy.

Focusing on the very best long-term ideas right now is what this video is all about.

Today, I want to tell you my top 5 dividend growth stocks for December 2022.