Are Gloom & Doom Scenarios Correct?

Are Gloom & Doom Scenarios Correct?

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(10/25/23) Google's Earnings Report & Cloud Revenue weakness dampen markets' mood; there remains a dichotomy between the performance of the Mega-cap & and the rest of the market, particularly in mid- and small-caps. If the economy is "doing so well," why aren't these businesses? Markets are hanging on after breaking support at 200-DMA; what's important is how we end the week. Measuring the Data in Retail Sales: Consumers are spending more cash, but buying the same or less quantities of goods. Jobs gains are in low-wage positions; we're "jostle-ating." Are doom & gloom scenarios correct? A look at the Bell Curve; assigning the probabilities to the possibilities; Analyzing the data: How we do what we doo; still al lot of Program dollars floating around the system. The importance of balancing your views with opposing opinions; the most-dire consequences often do not happen. Why Jerome Powell changed his opinion.

2:51 - Dichotomy in the Mega-cap 7
14:20 - Measuring the Data in Retail Sales
30:11 - Doom & Gloom: Assigning the Probabilities to Possibilities
44:15 - Analyzing the Data: How We Do What We Do

Hosted by RIA Advisors RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Markets are Hanging On..." is here:
Our previous show is here: "Is the Pain Trade Higher?"
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