Billionaire Investors Say 'Buy REITs'

Billionaire Investors Say 'Buy REITs'

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Billionaire investors are pouring billions into REITs at the moment. Steve Schwartzman from Blackstone (BX) bought about $30 billion worth of REITs in 2022 alone. Bruce Flatt from Brookfield (BAM) also acquired billions worth of REITs. Michael Burry of The Big Short movie also heavily invested in CoreCivic (CXW) and the GEO Group. Even Warren Buffett has bought some REITs. And there are many other examples. They say "Buy REITs", but why? You can access my entire REIT Portfolio by taking a 2-week free trial to my REIT newsletter, High Yield Landlord:

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Billionaires are buying REITs at the moment because valuations are historically low, balance sheets are strong, they provide a nice hedge against inflation, cash flows are rising, dividend yields are high, and many REITs offer high upside potential as interest rates eventually return to lower levels. REITs essentially allow billionaires to buy real estate at a steep discount to its fair value. 

Image sources: NAREIT, EPRA, YCHARTS, Canva, Blackstone, Brookfield, BSR

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