Net Worth Dropped $200k with the Market. What Do I Do Now? | The Get Ready For The Future Show

Net Worth Dropped $200k with the Market. What Do I Do Now? | The Get Ready For The Future Show

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Publish Date:
October 21, 2023
How to Invest
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Your net worth is significantly down. Are you doing something wrong? Should you cut your losses in the market? On this week's Get Ready For The Future Show, we're answering YOUR questions! You'll learn:

✅ The differences between T-Bills and Money Market Funds.
✅ How does rental income factor into your retirement plan?
✅ How to plan for retirement when working as a freelancer.

All this straight talk and more LIVE, Wednesday at 11:30!🎙️


❓ Have your own questions? Call or text us at 501.381.5228 or email [email protected]. We're here to help you navigate the journey to true financial independence. See you there!


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