Point 2 gave me Confidence to hold Frasers Centrepoint Trust #reit

Point 2 gave me Confidence to hold Frasers Centrepoint Trust #reit

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Hey #reits community, will you be confident to hold this REIT, Frasers Centrepoint Trust (FCT)?

I would be confident to hold Frasers Centrepoint Trust (FCT) because of the 2nd point:

steady climb in rent reversions backed by a bounce back of shopper traffic & tenant sales.

It's true that interest rates is the achilles' heel of REITs. Yet I also want to review the other performance components of a REIT, i.e.

what else can it do to improve its rental revenue in the midst of current interest rates environment.

Will I hold this REIT now? Yes, I would.

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Know these things before I invest in REITs

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I'm a Singaporean in my 30s who is building up my parents' retirement income via a REITs portfolio. I picked REITs as it was a class of assets which I understood the most when I started this journey. Besides, its dividend payouts fit my parents' retirement income requirement.

I'm documenting my journey here so that it becomes an inspiration guide for people, like yourself, to build an income generating portfolio to achieve your goals.

If you are interested, follow along on this journey~

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