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“From the Trap to Wallstreet”

From the Trap to Wallstreet is not only a brand but a movement dedicated to empowering and improving the financial state of Urban America. The foundation of this movement is to highlight the power of the black dollar by transitioning its use to make other races and nationalities wealthy to making it our most powerful tool in building wealth for ourselves and generations to follow.

This movement specifically caters to us! Those that are driven to improve their financial state through investing in company stocks & bonds. For far too long the knowledge of wealth and how to attain wealth has been crafted in an encrypted language for us to be unable to comprehend easily. Those days are gone! From the Trap to Wallstreet pioneers this journey for all.

The beginning of the phrase “From the Trap” is a mixture of two aspects. Number 1: The Trap being a state or condition of a people being financially trapped, unable to find the path to financial freedom no matter how many jobs or side hustles they work. Number 2: The term “Trap” describes a place that encourages our men and women to engage in illegal activities inevitably funneling them into a justice system. That very system then strips them of everything financially, emotionally, and mentally leading them to a trapped mindset.

The ending of the phrase “To Wallstreet” simply is the destination place or state where wealth is the norm. When you are from the “Trap” culture you view Wallstreet as a place where a bunch of rich and wealthy folks get richer and live better lives. Coming “From the Trap“ then ending up on “Wallstreet“ would be the epitome of the “Trap” evolution to new surroundings, a new mindset & a new lifestyle.