Real Estate vs Stocks, Which is the better investment? | Saj Daily | Saj Hussain

Real Estate vs Stocks, Which is the better investment? | Saj Daily | Saj Hussain

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My name is Saj Hussain and here I share my 15-plus years of property investing experience to help you get further, and faster in your own property investing business.

Have you considered investing in property but come across a crossroads between investing in REITS the stock market version of property or outright buying property for investment purposes? There are pros and cons for both, in fact, if you're low on cash, REITs is a perfect opportunity but it may yield lower return. In this video, I share my opinion on which is a better investment and if you know a little bit about me, your guess will be correct. If you like learning about business, and property investing check other videos I have on my channel: @TheSajHussain

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