Responding to Critics of Dividend Investing

Responding to Critics of Dividend Investing

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Being both a dividend growth investor and an income investor who’s pretty transparent with what I do, I’m often the target of a lot of criticism here on YouTube for my style of investing. So in this video, I’m going to go over five of the most common criticisms I receive from people who are opposed to dividend investing and income investing, and I’m going to give my own response to each one. I do want to make this clear though. At no point in my channel's history have I ever said that dividend investing is the superior way to invest in the stock market. I’ve said it’s the best way to invest for people who like monthly and quarterly passive income through receiving distributions.

But it’s my belief that different people will have different preferences when it comes to investing. Some people prefer index funds, while others prefer growth stocks. Some people like day trading, and some, like myself, prefer holding dividend paying investments. As I’ve always said, you should go with the investing style that motivates you the most and makes you the most comfortable. I don’t oppose other forms of investing, with the exception of gambling on highly speculative stocks. But today we’re going to look at five common criticisms of dividend investing, and I’m going to give my own response to each one.

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