The F.I.R.E. Movement is Terrible! According to CNBC "Expert."

The F.I.R.E. Movement is Terrible! According to CNBC "Expert."

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FIRE is terrible! According to CNBC! We are talking about the “financial independence retire early” movement and this is only one of many articles written by mainstream investment channels that tend to criticize or at least poke holes in this movement, only because I think they feel threatened. How dare you take charge of your own finances how dare you spend less, save more and outsmart our debt-slave system that favors banks, governments and investment monopolies. How dare you retire early and get out of the rat race!

The usual "early retirement" formula (like the FIRE Movement- Financial independence retire early) is to work for several years like a crazed jackrabbit on Red Bull, and invest every penny so you can eventually jump off the treadmill and buy some toys, do some travel and start a hobby. Another common theme lately is to trade crypto or meme stocks and become insta-rich. That is a possibility, sure, but not likely. How many people do you actually know that have done this? And if they told you they were rich last year, how’s that working out now? With bitcoin at about a third of its value from last year‘s peak and some cryptocurrencies going to pennies or even less …(can you say “Terra Luna?” Or Celsius or three arrows capital… Yikes) It’s risky and requires a level of time, knowledge, investing capital or sheer chance that most people don’t have. There are some great strategies to invest or start a side hustle or work extra hours and save and invest your extra money but today’s discussion is about the other side of the coin which is to simply cut your expenses by trying a different, more simple and free lifestyle that can allow you to literally jump out of the rat race right now.
As I mentioned before, On this channel we also talk about integrating the most important and truly soul-satisfying aspects of "retirement" immediately … when you're still young and healthy enough to enjoy themNot only is an imminent “retirement lifestyle” a lot more fun, it’s the only way to have a truly good life. As I mentioned, we are talking about financial independence and scheduled freedom. You can work in retirement if it’s not drudgery and doesn’t keep you from doing other important things you love, And even things you feel called to do! Also, to be clear, just having fun is not the key to happiness. Instead, the meaningful activities most people imagine for their “Golden Years” must be implemented in your life now if you want the fulfillment that most of us desire now and for the future. What are you going to want in your "golden years"? . . . yeah, pretty much what you want now, …Enough money for all the basics and freedom to do what you want when you want to ... However, if you're too old, sick and lonely in your golden years, what's the point of a big nest egg anyway?

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