How I’m Adjusting My REITs Plan If Interest Rates Went Up Instead? #dividendinvesting

How I’m Adjusting My REITs Plan If Interest Rates Went Up Instead? #dividendinvesting

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Publish Date:
April 26, 2024
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Hello, savvy investors, and welcome back to ‘The Dividend Uncle’ channel! Today, we’re venturing into a crucial scenario that might significantly influence our investment strategies for REITs: what if we are wrong, and the Federal Reserve increases interest rates instead of cutting them? Or what if the anticipated rate cuts are delayed well beyond 2024? These possibilities could reshape our approach to investing in REITs and other interest-sensitive assets.

As we unfold our investment thesis and ponder the possibilities of rising rates or delayed cuts, we’ll share how ‘The Dividend Uncle’ plans to adapt. Let’s jump right in!

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