My Favorite High Yield Dividend Stocks Are On Massive Sale

My Favorite High Yield Dividend Stocks Are On Massive Sale

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As the markets keep falling this year, what’s resulted is a lot of my favorite high yielding dividend stocks now offering even higher yields. Just as one example, a very pleasant sight for me was seeing W.P. Carey experience a really sizable drop recently. As someone looking to load up on more of WPC, I mentioned several months ago that I had been waiting for the price of this stock to go down because it had still be performing really well this year. I also thought is was overvalued when I went over their balance sheet, so when I saw the price drop about 15% in two weeks made me happy enough to pick up some more shares this week. As of the making of this video, this near dividend aristocrat now yields close to 6%.
Even more dramatic has been the drop of Realty Income, which over the last month has fallen about 20%. Despite it being my largest holding, it didn’t make me nervous to see this price drop. Because first off, I invest for dividends, not share price performance. If Realty Income was a stock I relied on for growth, like maybe a Tesla or Nvidia kind of company, then yeah I’d be really concerned. But because I invest for dividend income, seeing dramatic share price falls like what just happen doesn’t concern me one bit.  Secondly, Realty Income’s been providing evidence that the monthly dividend it pays isn’t anywhere close to being cut. Their stock’s a dividend aristocrat and hasn’t cut it since being publicly listed back in 1994 on the New York Stock Exchange.

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