Warren Buffet : 3 Ways To Grow $800 to $1,000 per month or more

Warren Buffet : 3 Ways To Grow $800 to $1,000 per month or more

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How I Earn Passive Income (99% don't know this!) : https://bit.ly/46AmT3c

Number one: Self-Investment & Deployment

Invest in your education and your mind.  Read books on wealth creation or learn a new skill that you can use to actively generate income. Investing in yourself works because by doing so, you increase your own value. 
As you should know, making money is all about value. The more value you give to the world, the more the world will reward you with money. So, you can use that eight hundred dollars to buy books or courses, or pay for seminars and mentorships to learn a high income skill. Just find a way to grow your mind and knowledge. With eight hundred dollars, you can learn money-making skills like graphic designing, programming, content writing, web development, search engine optimization, and so on.

Now, the second thing to do after absorbing knowledge and increasing your value is to give value. In other words, deploy that value, or that skill you've gained, to create an income stream. This is one of Warren Buffett's strategies, as he said, "Never depend on a single income. Make an investment to create a second source." Thankfully, with the internet, you can now easily deploy your skill online without spending much money or even for free. 

I recently discovered a business model that is perfect for beginners and offers extremely high profit margins.And no, it’s not drop-shipping or e-commerce. In fact, over 99% of the population has never even heard of this unique opportunity.

If this sounds interesting to you, you can learn more here : https://bit.ly/46AmT3c

Number two: Invest in stocks and index funds

The quickest way to multiply your eight hundred dollars passively is via the stock market. You can invest in the stocks of your favorite companies. For instance, you can invest in the stocks of Coca-Cola, Heinz, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and so on. By buying a stock, you become an owner of a tiny part of the company. To invest in stocks, just visit a brokerage, select the stock you want to buy, and then pay for it. When these companies make money, so do you. But here's the thing: while investing in a single company gives you a chance to earn a lot of money, it also puts you at the risk of losing everything if the stocks depreciate or if the company goes bankrupt.

So, this begs the question: what is the safest and most profitable way to invest in stocks? Well, that's where index funds come in. With index funds, you don't need a perfect company to invest in; you just invest in a group of companies at once. For instance, you could buy an index fund of the top 100 stocks in the US and put your eight hundred dollars into it. Some index funds pay dividends, while others do not, so you'll have to confirm this feature just in case you wish to be paid tax-free dividend returns. Dividends, in this case, refer to a company's profits that are shared with the shareholders. So, how do you invest in index funds? Well, it is pretty much the same process as investing in regular stocks. But here's the thing: don't blindly put money into any index fund simply because it's safer than investing in a single stock. If your goal is to make a lot of money from the stock market, then always look for the best performing index funds and invest in them. I'll share a few examples of index funds with you, but remember, it's up to you to research and select your best option fund.
So, let's say you want to invest in lucrative tech companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Tesla. Two good examples of index funds that you can get are the VGT and the QQQ. These index funds allow you to invest in several tech companies like these, all at once. But note that these two funds don't have the same list of companies, so you should read up on them and find out which has the tech companies that you prefer.

Number three : Real Estate

Now, I'm sure you've heard about real estate investment, and you're probably wondering, how can $800 afford a house? Well, thanks to technology, you don't really need to own actual property to make money from real estate. You can simply invest in a REIT. To invest in REITs, check out options like VNQ and USRT. Another method you can use to invest in real estate is crowdfunding. Crowdfunding allows you to invest money, no matter how small, into a platform that owns a portfolio of real estate investments.

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The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial, legal or tax advice. Some of the links are affiliate links, and I will receive a small commission for referring viewers to the product/service at no extra cost to the buyer.

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