2 Attractively Priced Dividend Stocks while the REIT Sector is under Stress

2 Attractively Priced Dividend Stocks while the REIT Sector is under Stress

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If you're an investor on the hunt for top dividend stocks, especially during a challenging time in the REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) sector, you're in the right place. In this video, I've got two dividend stocks that are attractively priced and in my opinion, great choices for dividend-focused investors.

In this video, we'll dive first into Medical Properties Trust and WP Carey, discussing their recent dividend cuts and the reasons behind them. After that, I'll show why Realty Income and Agree Realty Corp are relatively safe considerations in the dividend stock universe with their appealing pricing.

Tune in to learn more about these dividend stocks, but please make your own informed investment decisions because you can't borrow conviction!

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Yours Truly,
European Dividend Growth Investor.

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📺 Link to the video which dives a bit deeper into Realty Income:

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