4% Yield, Risk Free ETFs? How I Earn $240 a Month on My Cash Position

4% Yield, Risk Free ETFs? How I Earn $240 a Month on My Cash Position

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The stock market is witnessing significant volatility in 2022, and as a result many investors are holding cash either waiting to deploy it, or buying stocks slowly via dollar cost averaging.

Prior to interest rates rising, you arguably couldn't even cover the commission costs of investing in high interest savings ETFs. They often yielded 0.25% at the best of times and weren't even considered as an investment option.

Now, with rates skyrocketing and these funds yielding more than 4%, they pay the same yield as many dividend stocks, yet it doesn't have the risks associated with buying and holding a stock.

In this video, I'll go over 2 of the most popular high interest savings ETFs from Horizons, show you how they work, and explain which option may be best for you.

00:00 - Introduction
01:42 - How These Top ETFs Differ From Other Income Options
04:10 - Horizons CASH ETF
11:17 - Horizons HSAV ETF
17:44 - Wrapping It Up