Medical Properties Trust is Tanking, Will MPW Survive?

Medical Properties Trust is Tanking, Will MPW Survive?

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The situation regarding Medial Properties Trust, which has been one of the most controversial REITs out there for a while, has recently taken a greater downturn. On January 5th, shares of MPW fell by as much as 30% during the trading day, which is unlike anything dividend or income investors typically see. Despite only being about three weeks into the year, the share price of MPW has already collapsed by 40%. And so a number of people have been asking what I think our opinion of this should be, because I am a shareholder of MPW and I talk about the company every now and then. So given the recent developments, is it finally time to give up and sell out of MPW, or should investors take advantage of that 19 and a half percent dividend yield?

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