The Coming Retirement Crisis Will Wipe Out Millions Of American Families

The Coming Retirement Crisis Will Wipe Out Millions Of American Families

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For millions of Americans, the so-called golden years will actually be years of despair and uncertainty, and it`s very likely that you are one of those that will never be able to stop working and finally retire. But you're not alone in this. Over 90% of working households in the US do not meet retirement savings targets for their age and income. In fact, even the people that did absolutely everything right throughout their working years are still at risk of seeing their savings vanish as financial markets experienced the worst downturn since the Great Recession interest rates sore and record inflation means the value of their money is steadily dropping.

New data shows that the country's unfolding retirement crisis just took a massive turn for the worse crippling stock market losses. Cracks in the US pension system and the growing social security deficit are all combining to create increasingly harder conditions for workers to save for retirement and to maintain their living standards at retirement age. In other words, the promises that were made for all of us, that we would be rewarded for the efforts we made during our years of hard work with financial security we're actually a lie. In today's America, the only options given to the vast majority of workers are either work until you die, or brace for poverty.

The Coming Retirement Crisis Will Wipe Out Millions Of American Families

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The Coming Retirement Crisis Will Wipe Out Millions Of American Families