Unlock the Stock with SA REIT Association 18.07.2024 #unlockthestock

Unlock the Stock with SA REIT Association 18.07.2024 #unlockthestock

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Unlock the Stock is proudly brought to you by The Finance Ghost, Mark Tobin and Keyter Rech Investor Solutions.

00:00 Introduction
02:36 Keillan Ndlovu, Independent Property Analyst, SA REIT Presentation
30:22 SA REIT Industry Q&A
58.53 Wrap Up

About the SA REIT Association
The SA REIT Association (SAREIT) was founded in 2013, following the introduction of the REIT structure in South Africa to represent the interest of the SA-listed property sector. The Association is modelled on NAREIT (National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts) in the United States and EPRA (European Public Real Estate Association) in Europe.

We are a representative umbrella body incorporating voluntary members of all local REITs, led by an elected executive team focused on promoting the sector as an attractive asset class.

SAREIT’s key objectives are to:

Engage Across Industry
Ensure constant engagement with legislators, regulators, other business associations, investors, and stakeholders to establish a stable, conducive policy and business environment.

Promote the REIT Sector
Position the SA-listed property sector brand as a leading asset class with relevance across key stakeholders.

Drive Advocacy
Driving advocacy through transparent, consistent reporting and accessible information.

Support Sector Transformation
Advocate sustainable human, social, economic and environmental transformation within the SA-listed property sector.

Strengthen Relationships with Investors
Build relationships with investors and capital providers to better understand relevant issues.

Provide Relevant Industry Research
Make available high-quality, independent market and academic research on matters relevant to stakeholders in the SA sector.

To learn more about REITs listed on the JSE and the work of the SA REIT Association, please visit https://sareit.co.za/

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