What are Investments: Asset Allocation for Beginners

What are Investments: Asset Allocation for Beginners

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What is asset allocation?
What do I own in my 401k?

Asset Allocation Strategies and Investments:

Growth Stocks - a publicly traded companies that you are expecting to grow faster than the average of the market

Value Stocks - a publicly traded companies that are trading below their intrinsic value and you expect the market to correct itself

Corporate Bonds - a debt instrument issued by a company to raise cash for items like major projects, business acquisitions or expansions into new markets

Treasury and Municipal Bonds - debt instruments issued by a government

International Stocks and Bonds - stocks and bonds of companies and government not domiciled in the United States

Emerging Markets - stocks and bonds that are domiciled in a country that's growing, but is not a fully developed market

Dividend Income - owning publicly traded securities that pay high dividends for the income and not being so concerned about equity appreciation (REITS, Utilities and Large Established companies are examples)

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