Why I Will Never Invest in REITs Again! The Dark Side Of REIT Dividend Investing.

Why I Will Never Invest in REITs Again! The Dark Side Of REIT Dividend Investing.

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Monthly dividends, High Yields, and access to the Real Estate game. REIT’s sound amazing, and pretty much everybody will tell you that they are. But what if I told you that there was a little known dark side to REIT’s that the majority of people who actually own REIT’s don’t even know about. Well that's why I’m here. I’m here to tell you that the biggest issue with REIT’s has been sitting right in front of you the entire time. And all of the fancy monthly dividends are just meant to be a distraction, because if people actually paid attention to what I’m about to tell you, NOBODY would ever own REIT’s. Which is really painful for me to say, because there are so many REITs that pay monthly dividends, and after all, I am the dividend king.

Welcome to Dividend King! Dividend Growth Investing generates consistent free cash flow, without selling your position in a company. This type of investing has a powerful compounding effect when dividends are reinvested back into other dividend-paying companies. Dividend Investing creates a situation that puts the investor in a better financial position every day! And with time, patience, and good decisions, dividend investing can lead you down the road to financial freedom.

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